Lucky you...

| 19 December 2007

you get two posts today! Yay!

So now I'm hooked on VH1's 100 Greatest Songs of the 90s. There are some gems:

  • Hootie and the Blowfish: Only Wanna be With you
  • Collective Soul: Shine
  • Marky Mark (need I say more)
  • Jewel: Who Will Save Your Soul?
  • Nirvana: Smells Like Teen Spirit
  • Weezer: Buddy Holly
  • etc...
I'm quite surprised: most of these songs rock!

...and what's the deal with muffins?


They crumble and leave big messes in your workspace. Oh, and they're freakin' huge. Where's that dog when I need him?

That's it for today's topic of "muffins."

I'm putting off writing my Personal Business Commitment results for the year 2007. "They" use that information to determine how I performed over the past year, which, in turn, determines how big a raise/performance bonus I'll receive in March.

I know I should write them but it's Christmas time; there's next to no one in the lab, we're waiting for conference acceptance emails, our products hit the streets Friday, and really there's nothing much to do.

However, I fill my days with food and drink blogs:

*EDIT - 2 pm*
I just finished the first draft of my PBCs. Whew. Supid muffins.


| 11 December 2007


| 10 December 2007

I just found out that two of the abstracts I'm attached to have been accepted to Impact 2008! April 6-11 in Las Vegas baby!

I'm waiting to hear back from two other conferences; Tecnical Leadership Exchange (April 6-9 in Orlando, May 19-22 in Rome) and WebSphere Services Technical Conference (May 5-9 in Las Vegas). Yes, there is an overlap between TLE and Impact. If I'm accepted to TLE we have enough people where we can send some to Orlando and others to Vegas. Also, if they accept the TLE abstracts there's a 50% I'll get to go to the European TLE in Rome! Hopefully I'll know before Christmas. :-)

Mmm, accidental lambic

| 05 December 2007

I love pleasant mistakes. For example, I made a Scottish 80/- (eighty shilling) about this time last year to enter in the "Eis-anything" category at the Upper Mississippi Mashout Homebrewing Competition. Unfortunately I didn't make the deadline so the bottles sat in my beer closets for the past year. Also unfortunately the beer was infected Brettanomyces when it was outside freezing (that's why it Eis-Scottish).

So the bottles sat. And sat. And Sat. AND SAT.

Until today.

Tomorrow I meet with some of my fellow Rochester Area Zymurgy Enthusiasts (R.A.Z.E) to discuss brewing. Naturally there's beer involved and I need something to bring. Of course I'll bring some kickass oatmeal stout. I'll also bring some 1+ year old Bourbon Vanilla Porter. But I needed something more. Did I mention I forgot to label all the beer I made over the past year? Oops.

So I had to figure out which bottles were which beer: Bourbon Vanilla or Eis-Scottish. I was apprehensive when I opened what I thought was the Eis-Scottish. It was a gusher. I knew it was Eis-Scottish. But instead of throwing it out I decided to give it a try.

Man, it's gooood. Really good. I love me some sour beer and this hits the spot. It's tart, fruity, clovey, acidic, and complex. I may let it age some more and see where it is in another year.

What about the Bourbon Vanilla? Some are flat and lifeless. Others taste like medicine. Not a winner.

Trying something new.

| 27 November 2007

While driving home last Wednesday I listened to an interesting story on NPR about Partial Fasting and what happens to the body throughout the fast. I decided to give it a try and today's the day.

Up until about 2pm I was feeling like I do on a normal day, except for the caffeine withdrawl. After that I started to slow down and right now, 5:30pm, I feel like I'm a little bit drunk from light-headedness. It's a little hard to concentrate, but I did kick Dorn's ass at Set yet again. Oh, and there's the constant peeing. I've drank like 50 oz. of water so far today and there's more to come before the end.

And the cravings, boy I could go for some pistachios right now.

Food time: 8:30pm
Food: Spaghetti & Sausage & OLIVES

Musical, anyone?

| 19 November 2007

I have my eye on Sweeny Todd. Anyone else want to go?

ShowDate/TimeVenueSign-up deadlinePriceSeat LocationQuantity of tickets
Sweeney Todd02/09/08
2 p.m.
MF3-4 F-M
My Fair Lady03/01/08
2 p.m.
The Drowsy Chaperone03/29/08
2 p.m.
Orch Right J-M
Jersey Boys04/19/08
2 p.m.
Balc5 D
Jesus Christ Superstar05/03/08
2 p.m.
Orpheum/ State03/28/08
2 p.m.
Orch Right L-R

Writer's Guild of America Strike

| 13 November 2007

Well, if you didn't think the WGA strike affects you, you're wrong.

Especially if you love The Office or Family Guy.

This Thursday is the last new episode of The Office until after the strike ends. The reason: Most of the writers also star in the show! Oscar (Oscar Nunez), Angela (Angela Kinsley), Kelly (Mindy Kaling), Toby (Paul Lieberstein) and Ryan (BJ Novak) are all striking. Steve Carell and Jenna Fischer won't cross picket lines.

I support the writers' strike. They don't receive any income from the "new media", the Internet. The writers, actors, directors, producers, hair stylists, grips, etc. don't see a dime of that ad money.

For a list of how many episodes are left for each show, check Wikipedia.

I'm walking on sunshine...

| 11 November 2007

*bark bark!*

Friday and Saturday were were well-deserved respites after a hellish two weeks. Becky visited the Roch. Friday night we played some cards, went ice skating, played some more cards.

Saturday Melissa and Becky made monster cookies while we watched The Office season one. Then we went to Hobby Lobby where I picked out two frames and some matte board (you'll have to visit to see the completed project). Then we went back to Chris & Melissa's for more Office, drinks, and games (500, Speed Solitaire, In a Pickle, Pit). A good time was had by all.

Now I'm back at work, attempting to but the finishing touches on a demo for my manager. He leaves tomorrow for Toronto and New Jersey. Unfortunately we don't know if he needs another demo for the following week. I pray he doesn't (especially since next week is U.S. Thanksgiving [already!?]).

Now it's time to branch into two separate threads.

Thread the First
Next weekend I plan on staying in Rochester and making beer. Anyone is more than welcome to come learn the craft, eat some food, watch some movies, play some games, etc. But that's what I'm going to do.

Thread the Second
The rest of my family is leaving the Friday after Thanksgiving for a wedding down in Davenport, IA. I, however, will not join them. The decision becomes, "Do I stay in Podunk, MN or do I come home to the Roch?" I'm not averse to either.


| 07 November 2007

Last night was a relatively good night. I say relatively because the garbage collector (Veolia for those interested) is trying to screw me out of $76.70. I paid way-way-way back in September for yearly trash service. Unfortunately they don't believe me. Unfortunately for them I have a bank statement to prove they accepted payment.

*wrings hands with evil excitement*

Monday: Dunn Brothers - Dark Mocha Latte (awesome, as usual)
Tuesday: Starbuscks - Mocha Latte (not that good)
Wednesday: No coffee so far today
Thursday: No Coffee. :(
Friday: Kona from the Sundry Shop by the Cafeteria

I'm not as impressed with the 'bou as I once was. Their "Wild Drinks" leave chocolate/flavor sludge at the bottom of the cup. Their saving grace is regular coffee. But barely.

Tonight or tomorrow I'm going to take some time for myself and go see a movie. I want to see Dan in Real Life but I think I'll go to The Rape of Europa instead; a documentary about the pillage of Europe during WWII.

For those interested in the alcoholic concoctions I create...the blueberry melomel ferments away (finally). The four day lag time scared the crap out of me but I'm happy to report the airlock is bubbling. The reason for a lag: I re-used a yeast cake from another batch of mead.

How's the "parent" mead? I added three pints of raspberries (from the farmer's market) giving the mead a b-e-a-utiful shade of red. When I went home for lunch the raspberry pulp was pushing into the carboy neck. I'm thinking I need some citrus to go with the raspberry, but what kind?

  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Orange
  • Tangerine
  • Grapefruit
  • Ugli frui
  • Kumquat (hehe)
  • Lemon grass
What do you guys think? (I can always split the batch in half and leave some as "raspberry").

Oh, and melomel is mead (honey wine) with fruit added.

Today is a Dunn Bros. Day...

| 05 November 2007

...or maybe it's a Dunn Bros. Week.


I like to treat myself when work is hellish.

At work we're fast approaching our release date (December 21; it's announced so I can talk about it). Now, my manager's the technical bigwig for the product line (he's chief architect) and as such he gives pitches to conferences and customers telling them what's great about the new release. Usually he gives a PowerPoint and a VMWare demo. The last few weeks two co-workers and I have created the demos. What a pain.

Seventy-hour weeks, working a regular day on Saturdays (and sometimes Sunday).

Time to vent/rant. I'm stressed out, exhausted, and burnt out. The only vacation I have left is the day after Thanksgiving, Christmas eve, and the day after Christmas. I can't leave early any day this week because we have another demo due next Monday. By the time I get home at night I have just enough time to feed the dog, eat some food, and go to bed before I do it all again. If I do leave work early I need to log on from home and do some work there, too. I didn't sign on at all yesterday and now I'm paying the price. There are approximately 30 emails from my manager and one of my coworkers discussing problems, workarounds, possible fixes, broken features. Argh. I'm starting to wonder if this is what I want to do for the next few years. I haven't been to a movie in months. I rarely have time to go grocery shopping. I eat out all the time (that's what she said). I've put on the ten pounds I lost a few months ago. I like being busy but this is extreme.

We just finished creating a demo Saturday for my manager to take to Vienna. We're performing triage and answering his questions. Then we have seven days to get a new version ready for next week when he's off to give the demo to some customers in Canada and New Jersey.

We're gonna need a miracle.

And I'm gonna need some more coffee.

And I better get a hella bonus next year...or some kickass compensation time off in December.

The first demo is away!
The demo my boss gave in Vienna today worked like a charm (after some hand holding late last night). Whew. That feels goooood.

I don't know if I approve of this

| 31 October 2007

A second "Office?" Hmm.

Good-bye music...

| 26 October 2007

I finally started my server after a two month hiatus. No syncing iPod, no pictures, no nothing.

As it turns out, no nothing from now on. The hard drive that held my music and pictures died.

Almost all pictures are gone. Korea...gone. England...gone.



This Just In!!!!

After fiddling with it (that's what she said) and putting it back where it originally was (that's what she said) in the server, the partitions were recognized by linux. After a brief consultation with Dorn I headed to WallyWorld to purchase a backup drive. Year 2006 is copying to the backup drive as I type. Only four more years of pictures (and other things) to go.

Here's proof!

Yes, that's Theresa's Mom (she's got it going on)
Our friend Tim with a pirate hat on (unbeknownst to him; he was asleep).
That's a big camera, Britt.
The Original Ledge at the Latern (RIP 2005)
My Buddy, Tyson.

"The First Single" - The Format

| 15 October 2007

Zzzz...ack-ACK-ACK: No more!

| 02 October 2007

In case you were wondering, that's the sound of me snoring, stop breathing, and semi-waking up. If you've been (un)fortunate enough to hear me sleep you know I'm a snorer. I've inherited this uncanny talent from both parents. In the past I've awaken with many a sore throat due to a snore-laden night, and recently I've awaken more tired than when I went to bed. Also, while I was in the boundary waters I was told I snore so loud that earplugs were required to get a good night's sleep and that I probably have sleep apnea.

So when it came time for my regular checkup I mentioned the morning/daytime tiredness, the sore throat, and incessant snoring. To which my doctor replied, that sounds like obstructive sleep apnea (OSA). We scheduled a sleep study to definitively determine if this is the case.

Last night was the test. I drove down to the hospital (not Mayo, if I went there I'd still be waiting to schedule the appointment) where the sleep technician hooked me up. The tech was a nice lady; she went through her spiel describing what each electrode was, why they were measuring that datum, etc...but we also talked about our dogs and homebrewing (she just bought her son a begin-to-brew kit). When we finished I looked like one of the Borg.

Next we calibrated each electrode and gathered some baseline readings. Then, lights out. They offered a sleep aid but I declined thinking, I'm tired, I'll fall asleep quickly. I was wrong. During the sleep study, they request you sleep on your back, if you can. This maximizes your chance to snore/stop breathing. I do not sleep on my back. I tried for what seemed like 30 minutes, but I just couldn't do it. I switched to my side. It's quite the hassle to turn over when you have twenty-odd wires connected to your body. But I just couldn't sleep.

After what seemed like hours of drifting in and out of sleep, the technician came in and asked me to use the restroom and come back...we were going to try the mask. CPAP works on the same principle as what keeps the Metrodome inflated; pressure pushes against your soft palate keeping your airway open so you can breathe while asleep. Lights out.

CPAP is a unique experience. Instead of working to breathe in you must exhale against air pressure. After what seemed like a few minutes I finally fell asleep.

And I slept like I haven't slept in a long time.

For the first time in months I slept without waking up in the middle of the night.

When the technician roused me to end the test she told me my sleep dramatically improved once I wore the mask. She told me the mild arrhythmia I experience lessened as well. Then she explained she waited to wake me because I was in what's called "restorative REM" sleep. When someone doesn't sleep well/doesn't stay in the deep levels of sleep (REM), and finally reaches it while using CPAP, they stay in REM for much longer periods because the body lacked the rebuilding properties that REM provides.

And you know what, that's the best night's sleep I've had in a long time. In a few days my results will come back from the sleep specialist and my physician and I will discuss the next steps. I may need a CPAP machine for the rest of my life. But with the increased risk of heart attack, adult-onset diabets, and daytime tiredness OSA causes, I'm willing to make that sacrifice.


| 25 September 2007

Mmm, Apple Cider

| 23 September 2007

This goes out to Jess/smelly/Ike:

Remember three years ago, about this time of year, when we made hard cider at Skylight Apts? I do and I have one bottle left.

I just opened the second to last bottle to flavor my kielbasa (dirty sounding, I know). Remember how astringent and horrible it tasted? Well, like most things, it GREATLY improved with age.

I will bring the last bottle to Hobo Day.

P.S. Theresa and I are coming for Hobo Day.

P.P.S. You smell.

Why not make "10" louder?

| 19 September 2007

Mint-y Fresh!

| 18 September 2007

For the past few weeks I've been using Mint to coordinate my spending across my ING accounts and Chase credit card. It lets you itemize each purchase you make (on some form of plastic) so you can see where all your money goes. I know mine goes to rent, shopping, and restaurants.

Here's a sample summary (with amounts blurred out):

You can click on each section of the pie and drill down deeper into each category. For example, Home drills down to: Mortgage/Rent, Furnishings, and Home Improvement.

I like it a lot. For me it's a shocking visualization of where I spend my money, thus helping me conserve.

Give it a shot!


| 17 September 2007

You can't spell "kegorator" without "art"

| 16 September 2007

Keg 2 will be Oatmeal Stout...mmmm, stout.
Posted by Picasa


| 12 September 2007

Check this out

Personal DNA

| 05 September 2007

After Rachel found her personal DNA, I decided to do the same.

A Weekend of Fun!

| 27 August 2007

The past four days have rocked. I'm pretty stoked to impart what's happened...

Thursday: Purchased an ice cream maker

Friday: Bought more cocktail/infusing books. Made Framboise (raspberry) ice cream. Played Dungeons & Dragons Minature game. Played Mario Strikers Charged.

Saturday: Went to the farmer's market for fresh mint, fresh lemon basil, fresh apples, fresh honey. Bought a room set at Slumberland.

(I didn't order the loveseat. Instead, I ordered the chair and ottoman).
Sunday: Read 30% of my new Dune book. Fixed my rear-view mirror. Watched Perfume: The Story of a Murderer. Moved the stereotypical 90's couch into the garage.

Today! The couch arrives sometime between 3 pm and 6 pm. I think tables are coming, too. The chair and ottoman will arrive mid-September.

100th Post and BWCA Trip!

| 19 August 2007

I got back from the BWCA yesterday (our trip). I've been on a few trips around the world and I think this was the greatest trip I've ever taken. One word: Amazing. Couldn't have asked for a better group of guys to adventure with (Quinn, Dan, Garlick, Matt, and Marcus).

We left Friday afternoon for Seagull Outfitters on the Gunflint Trail. We set out bright an early the next morning for Round Lake and our entry point, Missing Link. After leaving Missing Link Lake we had a huge (1.17 mile long) portage, "Tusc Portage," to Tuscarora Lake. I carried the equipment pack (70lbs) up and down rocks and through a swamp. There were times I wanted to give up and go home, but I persevered and learned about myself and what I can do if I put my mind to it.

Once in Tusc, we ventured to an island campsite only to find it was taken. Instead we made our way to the western shore to a point campsite. We stayed here through Wednesday, August 15. When the sun set on the first night we were given an impressive show as the Perseid Meteor shower started to heat up.

Sunday we started our DnD campaign. That's right, we played Dungeons & Dragons in the BWCA. Garlick created an incredible campaign in the Greyhawk realm.

Also, three of us stayed up late, spread out our camping chairs on the granite beach, and watched the Perseids put on an amazing show. We talked about life and astronomy. It got chilly but none of us wanted to leave the beach, there was too much beauty to take in.

Monday and Tuesday we played DnD, explored Tuscarora, talked about books, music, movies, politics, etc. We enjoyed singing and ad-libbing The Bloodhound Gang, Credence Clearwater Revival, "Never Gonna Give You Up", amongst others.

Wednesday morning we moved to Bat Lake. This campsite was literally a stone's throw away from an island. On that island we swam, collected water, watched the stars, etc. Also, the campsite was a five minute paddle from the 2006 Cavity Lake fire. Friday we took a morning trip to the North shore of Bat Lake to explore the fire. Later that afternoon we finished our DnD campaign. Our characters are going to take over a town and start our own adventuring guild. If/When we take this trip again next year we'll see what happens as we start our Guild.

Saturday we packed up and headed home. First stop: Dairy Queen in Grand Marais for burgers and ice cream. Second Stop: Backwoods Bar & Grill in Duluth for a beer. Third Stop: Super America in Duluth for cheese, Combos, Doritos, and Powerball tickets.

So that's the gist of the trip. Here are some pictures:

Here's the album with all the pictures I took:


One more to go...


...this is post 99 so I'm going to say I'm back from the BWCA. More to come.

A Well-deserved Vacation is a Terrible Thing to Waste

| 10 August 2007 I'm not going to waste it. This afternoon I leave for the great green north that is Northern Minnesota. Yep, a week of wilderness camping, canoing, fishing, swimming, DnDing, smelling, etc... the list goes on. Plus the Perseid meteor shower is Sunday night/Monday morning which will be pretty amazing.

Well, here's to camping and I'll be back next Sunday! (I'll probably look like Grizzly Adams, but I won't care).

Let hell month commence!

| 24 July 2007

This week:

  • Monday: Prepare updated image for manager (who is now in Austin, TX). Run the computer for a demo to a major research firm (I thought I was going to have a heart attack after I realized who the firm was).
  • Tuesday: Test new MVWare image for manager. Monty Python's Spamalot! at the Ordway in St. Paul.
  • Wednesday: Family arrives. Sign my leaese and begin moving.
  • Thursday: Take family on IBM tour. Continue moving
  • Friday: Yet more moving/cleaning. Manager gives demo in Denver.
  • Saturday: Possible brewery tours in the Cities
  • Sunday: BWCA/Dungeons & Dragons planning get together.

Observations on my trip to New York (so far)

| 10 July 2007

  1. The men's room at O'Hare, Terminal 3, Concourse G smells like black licorice.
  2. O'Hare likes to cancel flights due to "air traffic" and "wind" (no effect to flights as of 7/10).
  3. Wild turkeys run rampant at IBM HQ.
  4. New York can be just as hot and humid as Minnesota.
  5. I have a funny accent.
  6. Just because your cellphone was smart and changed time zones, it doesn't mean your laptop does the same.

What I learned from "Transformers" the movie

| 03 July 2007

  1. General Motors == Good
  2. All other cars == Bad
  3. Armed forces == Good
  4. Government == Pseudo-bad
  5. Nokia cell phones have samurai skills (because they're from Japan [not really...they're from Finland]).
  6. Mountain Dew is lethal
  7. Nahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnah Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig (ok, that's from "The Simpsons Movie" trailer, but worth it.

I'm a real employee!

| 02 July 2007

Yep, today I became a "regular" employee although nothing has changed. I have the same serial number (that I've had since Jan. '05), same email address (since July '06), and same job (since Feb. '07). I even have the same directory listing (since July '06), although that will changed Wednesday or Thursday.

I'm glad for the change. I no longer track hours worked (yay!), but I no longer receive overtime (boo!). Plus I'm no longer paid weekly (bi-weekly after I receive last week's paycheck). I'm super excited for vacation and am looking forward to take some time off later this week. I still need to buy fishing equipment and supplies.

Well, since I'm a regular employee I decided to leave work early today. As such, I bought four pounds of cherries (for a kickin' beer), made 10 liters of ginger ale/beer, and enjoyed some pretty damn good Hoegaarden.

"Dr. Strangehump or How I Heard a Neighbors Across the Street Have Sex"

| 28 June 2007

I feel embarrassed for her.

While taking dogger out for his nightly poop, I heard a strange noise emanate from across the street. At first I thought someone had their washing machine on with their windows open.

Boy, was I mistaken.

As I encouraged Tyson to evacuate his bowels, the noise got louder and louder. I thought I could discern a human voice. I did.

It was my older (mid-forties) neighbor across the street doing the vertical mambo on a squeeky bed. At first I was frightened, but then I felt embarrassed for her, having left every window in her townhouse open.

Man, I got a good chuckle out of that humdinger (heh heh...humdinger).

Tonight is the night that I...

| 20 June 2007

...clean out my keg! And sanitize some bottles!! And fill the bottles!!! And the keg!!!! With BEER!!!!!

That was fun :-)

But first I must procure some rubber bands from the workplace. I need to MacGuyver a way to separate 2ozs of hops from the beer.


I decided to wait until tomorrow (at the earliest). When I cracked open the keg it gave off the wonderful (not really) odor of autolyzed yeast. Basically it means what yeast was in the keg went cannibal and started eating its fellow yeasties. I'm going to let it sit overnight to deodorize. Also, leaving the beer line (the part that connects the keg to the tap) uncleaned since the keg was last used in December/January means a very dirty beer line. Duh. I'll let that soak in some potassium hydroxide to get rid of the skankiness.

Oh, and I should probably lube up the o-rings. That sounds dirtier than it is. On second, it's not.

Time to get my Freakazoid! on.

Sunday is Wii-day!

| 10 June 2007

That's right, I got a Wii. It rocks...hard. That is all.

12th Annual Midwestern Lumberjack Championships...

| 05 June 2007

Will be in Rochester Saturday, June 16. Gates open at 10a.m. and competition starts at noon. Eight dollar entrance fee (for those adults out there). Who wants to go?

I did this one, too!

| 22 May 2007

I made it myself

| 21 May 2007

Empty Soju bottles. Taken in South Korea.
Cool, huh?


| 16 May 2007

Since this is my first weekend in a long while where I'm not traveling all over God's creation I've decided I'm making beer... Saturday AND Sunday!

I've been in a brewing drought. Last batch brewed: December. Yikes.

As you may or may not not, a new hobby developed in the meanwhile: infusing spirits. So far I've made kiwi vodka and am in the process of making triple-berry rum (of the black, rasp, and straw varieties) and raspberry gin. I think green tea something (rum? vodka? what do you think?) and rose pedal rum will be next. (For the right price, I can make anyone something)

But back to beer.

First, a historical style: Kellerbier. I'm sick of making wheat beers so this will replace it for the season. This brew will be straight to keg and straight into the fridge.

Second, an American barleywine. There's a metric shit ton of hops going into this brew. Cascade for aroma, bittering, and dry hopping (I've never dry hopped before, so here goes nothing). I'll bottle this bad boy and age it until Winter 2007.

Maybe I'll give mead another try, too....

It's that time of the year...

| 10 May 2007

and I don't mean baseball season. It's moving time!

Well, it's not really moving time but it's time to start looking (damn two month warning period). By the end of the month I need to know where I'm living for the next 12 months.

Now, being a pet owner severely limits my options. Specifically, being a dog owner severely limits my options. In Rochester, there are three places I was considering: The Village at Essex, Quarry Ridge, and GrandeVille at Cascade Lake.

After talking with a friend about her experience at "The Village" (of the Damned) I realized that it's not a place I want to live. Turns out they also offer Section 8 housing at their property. That means one of her friends woke up to an arm coming through a cut in a screen window. No way will I live there.

Yesterday I cut out a bit early and went to Quarry Ridge. I learned there's one one bedroom available, a handicap unit. I looked at the place and for the price it isn't worth it. Sure there's underground parking and a pool, but still, it's a small overpriced apartment.

Which brings us to today and GrandeVille. Think townhouse meets apartment. I'm really digging "The Aspen" on first floor. Right now I have a two bedroom townhouse, and I hardly ever use my second bedroom. It sits empty as an office and a greenhouse for my pepper and rosemary, respectively. The particular unit I was shown is two doors down from the lake (sweet!) and in the back of the development. Nice and quiet.

Amenities: Pool with cabana (think grill, fridge, sink, prep area), exercise equipment, tanning, sauna, clubhouse, personal garage and private entrance. Oh and the unit I was shown had a fireplace.

Price: It's more than what I pay now, but I'll be paying less in utilities.

Other: It's in Rochester and not PI. It's close to a kick-ass sledding hill and a produce market (yes, they belong in the same sentence). The daily commute will be 10 minutes instead of 25. Oh, and they like pets.

So, yeah. I really like this place. What do you guys think?

That was fun...

| 26 April 2007

So today after I dropped my car off at the dealer for an oil change something red caught my eye. I thought it had a familiar body style, but since it was a Honda dealership I ignored it.

When the dealership picked my up at three I had a better look at the red car.

That's right a 2005 MINI Cooper S. Six-speed transmission, GPS/Computer, CD, sunroof, leather heated seats. The whole caboodle.

After I picked up my car, I decided (on a whim) to stop at the Honda dealership to take a look. As I looked, a crafty car salesman wander over and told me about the car. Then he asked, "Do you want to take it for a test drive?"

Image my consternation. I've never driven a stick in my life. When I told the salesman this, he replied, "Do you want to learn?"

A jerky start later we were off on a drive around NW Rochester. This is a hella fun car to drive. I killed it only once (at a stop light), otherwise I was jetting around with the 198hp this MINI has to offer. Tight and responsive, a welcome change from the Pontiac Grand Prix.

When we got back to the dealership I asked the damage: $23,550. I don't think this car is in my future, but maybe one of it's other Oxford-born twins will be.

Cool wHip

| 23 April 2007


| 30 March 2007

I thought I would pass along this nugget of information:

This is a reminder that the Dakota Curling Club has an Open Ice session scheduled for this Sunday, April 1st, from 1:30 to 3:30. If you are new to the game, come give it a try!
Members may practice or makeup games at no charge. Guests will be charged $10 per person. Club members will be on hand to work with guests who come to check out the game.
We play at the Burnsville Ice Center at 251 Civic Center Parkway in Burnsville. See you on the ice!
Let me know if you're interested and we'll plan something. I will be there fo'sho.

So there we were...

| 05 March 2007

standing in the pasta line at Cossetta in St. Paul after a disappointing Swarm loss, when I told T of my master curling plan.

You see, as a member of the Dakota Curling Club I can register for bonspiels (tournament for those curling noobs) at clubs around Minnesota. As a mater of fact, the St. Paul Curling Club (on fantastic Selby Ave. next to the glorious Happy Gnome) is hosting just such an occasion April 13-15. Those of you in the Cities should stop by one, or all, of these days to see us in action. Granted, I think we have a total of -0.5 years experience in curling, but really, who gives a damn?

Curling and Ages

| 25 February 2007

Tuesday is the Social/Skip's Meeting for the Dakota Curling Club's spring league. Now, when I first registered/paid member dues, I was going to play in the Single's Learning to Curl league. A few weeks later the club lost it's clubhouse and postponed all leagues until after hokey season finished so we could return to the Burnsville Ice Center.

In preparation for season's start I learned that the single's league consisted of four people: two males and two females. That's it. So the club canceled/merged the single's league into Instruction League II, and made the four of us into a rink (team). Now here's the cool part: What's the team's name? That's right, it's Team Claussen.

As time went on someone on the team decided to send an email giving some information about who they are, their skill level, etc. Before I go any further, remember, this was supposed to be a singles league and I'm 23 years old.

Here's her email:

Fellow curlers,

I wanted to introduce myself as I am on your team for the upcoming league. I am the Lower School Principal at St. Paul Academy having just moved to Minnesota in July after having lived the last 2o years overseas, the last 8 in Spain.
Hmm, 20 years overseas and a principal. Probably way out of my age range. Not exactly what I'm looking for.

Oh well. It's curling and will be fun. Oh, and there are still lots of open spots in the instruction leagues if anyone is interested. For $150 you get a club membership, a Learn to Curl class, six curling sessions, and a name pin! Wooo! Do you have anything better to do Sunday afternoons?

Harold Crick


I just finished "Stranger than Fiction."


This is the best movie I've seen in a long time. Better than "Children of Men." You can't help but be drawn in by the many different stories taking place concurrently throughout the movie; stringing them together into a coherent whole. The characters are so vivid that you actually care what happens to each of them as the movie progresses.

When the movie comes out on Tuesday, I will buy it and I suggest you do the same.

New name for Tyson

| 23 February 2007

Poopy McPoop-Maker...his mom wanted to keep her maiden name.

It's just's just like...

| 13 February 2007

Be on the lookout...

| 09 February 2007

Number One on our Threat Down is KP. Beware!


| 08 February 2007

While I was ditzing around on Wikipedia today, I discovered that Jack's Mannequin is playing at Myth on February 12. ROCK! I am going to be there and not be square. Are you?

TGIF...maybe not

| 02 February 2007

Ok, so this afternoon has been the most infuriatingly long afternoon I've had since my (not so) triumph return to Rchland. I've just spent the last three hours on the corporate IM client talking with my project mentor. He's pulling edge cases out of the woodwork while saying "What if this happens? We need to plan if the customer modifies this file."

Then he comes up with these ridiculous solutions that will eat up weeks of time. When I try to contribute something, he dismisses it, and then thinks of a solution that incorporations what I just said.

Now it's 5:30 on a Friday afternoon and I'm still at work. Hell, it isn't even afternoon anymore: It's evening. Fuck.


| 30 January 2007

Don't trust dentists from Eagan. When they say two, they actually mean five.

Two years...

| 10 January 2007

While out at a bar last night, one of my friends mentioned this week was his two-year IBM anniversary. Two years. I'm feeling a bit nostalgic, so let's see what happened over those two years (in no order):

  • Turned 21 (boy was that fun)
  • Lived in three different apartments
  • Traveled to Missouri
  • Blew out my knee
  • Ginger & Peter married
  • Dusty & Jackie married
  • Angela & Chad married
  • Chris & Melissa married
  • Quinn & Kari married
  • AJ & Maria married
  • Blew my ankle
  • Had foot surgery
  • Graduated
  • Visited South Korea
  • Visited Purdue
  • Cursed the University of Minnesota
  • Left IBM
  • Came back to IBM
  • Had a spring break experience
  • A dog appeared in my life
  • Lost a grandpa
  • Saw my dad drunk as a skunk
  • Had a case day
  • Showed Edward Forty-hands who's boss
  • Realized, as fed up with State as I am, that Brookings was home
  • Graduated
  • Applied to grad school for the second time
  • Wondered, what can I do with a B.S. in Physics?
  • Graduated
  • Visited the SPAM Museum
  • Visited Watertown
  • Accidentally ran three-quarters of a half-marathon
  • Brewed five batches of beer and two batches of mead

Hmm, another 2006 review?

| 05 January 2007

I suppose so. So what happened last year in the "Year o'Claus?" (I'll even go in order!)

  • Went on my first ski trip
  • Made hard alcohol (mmm, super-strong amaretto)
  • Drank bum wine
  • Went on my first spring break trip
  • Went to Watertown for the first time (I remember a lot of drinking when we got back)
  • Case Day
  • The brownie scavenger hunt
  • I graduated! (party number one)
  • Went to South Korea
  • Got screwed out of an easy summer graduation
  • Graduation party two
  • Moved back across Minnesota
  • Starred in two SDSU Commercials
  • Saw RENT!
  • Got a dog!
  • Started a new job
  • Graduated for real
  • Visited Purdue
  • Took the shitty subject GRE
  • Applied to graduate schools
  • Tried to organize my life (it semi-worked)
  • Experienced a funeral and a wedding within three days of each other
What does 2007 hold?
  • Graduate school?
  • Government service?
  • Brewing school?
As I fill out applications I'm starting to realize how scary the next few months will be. Most people can look at their lives and say, Hey, I'll be doing this a year from now. I, on the other hand, have no clue where I'll be or what I'll be doing.

I'll take strength in these words:
Life is an opportunity, benefit from it.
Life is beauty, admire it.
Life is bliss, taste it.
Life is a dream, realize it.
Life is a challenge, meet it.
Life is a duty, complete it.
Life is a game, play it.
Life is a promise, fulfill it.
Life is sorrow, overcome it.
Life is a song, sing it.
Life is a struggle, accept it.
Life is a tragedy, confront it.
Life is an adventure, dare it.
Life is luck, make it.
Life is too precious, do not destroy it.
Life is life, fight for it.

-Mother Teresa

Oh, and I have a New Year's resolution to go the entire month of January (sans-birthday) without drinking. So far so good.