
| 26 June 2008

A few weeks ago I made some RyePA (India Pale Ale made with Rye). At the time I was extremely excited about this batch and could not wait to transfer it it secondary, dry hop, and keg.

I transferred and dry hopped two weeks ago.

For those non-brewers in the crowd two weeks is a long time in the life of an ale. I was sitting at my desk this morning and remembered this fantastic brew.

Tonight: the kegging.

In response to Sarah

| 08 June 2008

Yes! Citrus can survive in the upper midwest!

I picked up these two fine specimens ($29.99 each) at Lowes here in the Roch. I could have picked up a Mexican Lime (aka Key Lime) but decided to wait until one of my seeds grows up.

Mandarin (Satsuma variety). This will produce some b-e-a-utiful Mandarin oranges. They will be ready for picking this fall.

Lemon Drop (aka Sunquat). This is a cross between a kumquat and a lemon tree. You eat the whole fruit, rind and all!

A baby mandarin orange. Yum

As you can see these plants live on the rocks outside my front door. They'll live out there until about mid-September, when I start weening them to the indoors. They'll require lots of light during the winter but it's OK: I have south-facing windows. Come April-May next year I'll reacquaint them with the great outdoors in preparation for more fruit.

Hooray for citrus!