The Wisdom of Jess

| 18 September 2005

I've decided to create a "Jess's Greatest Hits" list for her numerous quoatables. If you think of anymore, I'd be glad to post them for everyone to enjoy.

  • I'm not that easy.
    • Response to a statement that she met a raccoon in McCory Gardens
  • If I had a mouth that big, I would experiment.
    • Expressed as sheer amazement at the size of Cy Fixen's mouth.
  • She isn't smart enough to read.
    • Stated at Movie Gallery in a moment of tactlessness.
  • Jessica only has two syllables: Jess/ica
    • This pearl was bestowed on us one night at Cubby's Sports Bar & Grill

So there I was at the HyVee

| 14 September 2005

It's Quick & Easy!

I heart Halloween

| 12 September 2005

So we were at the world O'Wally the other night buying God knows what, when we came to the costumes department. Those Carebears are rated for 2-5 year olds, but by God do they fit on 21 year olds (they even fit on Theresa's mondo noggin).