Everybody's a Comedian...

| 26 March 2006

Except when they're not. Did you ever know someone who thought they were funny, when in reality the closest they'll ever get to being funny is slipping on the ice and falling down? Stupid jokes that are retold over and over again. Jokes that aren't even close to being funny.


Sping Bake

| 13 March 2006

Spring Break Quotes ‘06

It smells like Auschwitz in here. ~Kris

I should take Collin,. . .he’s fat. Fat kids love twine ~Jess

Get ROWDY!!! Hey. . .hey. . . . . .NO!!! Don’t!!!!! Those are folded!!!!! ~Kris

You just got hit in the head with a slimy banana peel. . .UGH!! ~Claus

What’s the word? THUNDERBIRD!! ~Claus and Kris

It’s Spring BAKE!! ~Kris

We’re segregated. SHHHH!!!! They’re black! ~Suzy and Bobbie

Jess has hairy nipples!! ~Bobbie

Phones have phone sex. . .how do you think we get other phones? ~Unknown

What if I have to go to the hopsicle? ~Jess

Jess’ hairy tassels ~ Bobbie

I haven’t pukes in, like, 10 minutes! ~ Jess

I haven’t been this drunk in TWO DAYS! ~unknown

I’ve peed on that couch when I was little. Thank about that! ~Claus

I have a snuggy like you wouldn’t believe ~unknown

Fwasted! ~Unknown

Erected cock ~Unknown

Eat poop and rye? ~Jess

What’s the opposite of Kris P.? Soggy ~Bobbie

My mom is stacked.~ Suzy

Tell him about the Kripy Hook! ~Bobbie

Who loves the cock? Soggy loves the cock! ~unknown

Butt biscuits ~Claus

Commence mounting ~unknown

Hey, Jess. . .it’s past 11:00 we can go to the liquor store!


But, it’s Spring Bake!!!

FUCK SPRING BAKE!! ~ Suzy and Jess

Get in the fucking shower, you God damn APE! ~Claus

I am X-Mas!

My arms are flexy

The girls thinks I’m SEXY!! ~ X-Mas

I want to be able to use my spork!


I broke my spork. . . ~Jess

Words that start with “IM”

Embarrass! ~Kris

Oh. . .my Jucy’s already erupted. . . ~Claus

Fuck you! ~everyone


Do you know what an Eiffel tower is?? Huh??? Do ya??? ~Kris

She had on a black thong. . .

Um, Claus, it was red. .

No, it was black. . .

No, sweetie, it was red. . .


Okay! ~Claus, Jess, and Suzy

Here, have some stripper make-up. . .oh, and you too ~Claus

We're allowed back to the NORMANDY INN!!!!~ Claus

This had better be one fucking spectacular ball of twine. . . ~Kris

Oh!! The ape is horny!!!


NO!!! aPe!!!! ~Kris and Jess

Claussen’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow. Claussen’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow. We can stay til 4!! ~ Jess and Suzy

I think I peed a little. . .

I’m sleeping on that bed!!! ~Bobbie and Claus

Mommy. . .I think they’re breeding ~Kid at the zoo


No, we just want towels. .

No, I clean your room. . . It free!!

TOWELS!! ~Housekeeping and Claus


Um, hi.

Are you looking for a cell phone?


Yeah, well, I have it. But, I think the better question is: Where and who am I? ~Theresa and front desk guy.

By the way, nice picture. . . ~Front desk guy

Oh no!! It’s hailing on your fort!!!

OW!! MY EYE!!!! ~Claus and Jess

First of all: Fuck you! Second of all: No. . . ~Suzy

I think we’re lost. . .

We are not fucking lost!

Kris is probably wondering what the Hell we are doing. . .

We are not lost! Just get the directions!

Don’t turn there!! That’s wrong!!!

Well, what do you expect me to do?!? I’m already in the fucking turn lane!!

Kris is probably wondering what the Hell we are doing. . .

Oh. . .look. It’s our hotel!!

How the Hell. . . .?

HIZZAH!!!! ~Jess, Claus, and Suzy

Those are fake. . .

Yup. . .

But, I like her dress.

Yeah, it’s really pretty ~Suzy and Jess

How many pints of blood are you?

Wow, that’s bloody ~Suzy and Jess

Frat boys!! FUCK YEAH!! ~Everyone

It’s official. . . Spring Bake kicked my ass! ~Jess and Suzy

Hello? Yeah, I was wondering if you delivered to the Normandy Inn? Out of your range? Okay, I’ll call that number, thank you. Yeah, hi. I was wondering if you delivered to the Normandy Inn? Out of range? Okay, I’ll call that number, thank you. Hi, I was wondering if you delivered to the Normandy Inn? Call this number? Okay. Um, guys, they’ve already given me that number. Fuck it, let’s call Dominoes. ~Kris

And I was like. . .oh gross! Someone wiped their shit on the bathmat!!! But, then I realized that it my own vomit. . . ~Jess


| 11 March 2006

What do you guys I should do during my year off?
