In Response to Sarah, Part II

| 29 October 2008

Here's an update on my citrus from this post.

This is the Lemon Drop (aka Sunquat). As you can see it's produced nicely and the fruit are slowly ripening. They should be nice and sweet come March, 2009. I guess patience is a virtue.
The is my Satsuma Mandarin Orange. You can't really tell from the photo but there are small hints of orange on the fruit.
Peggy & Glinda, the Ruby Red Grapefruits (think about it). Lookin' good ladies! I just started these two in March, 2008. So far so good.

Mike the Meyer Lemon. He's not doing so hot. The grasshoppers got the best of him in August and the spider mites got the best of him in September. If he doesn't recover I have Mike II through XII to take his place.

That's the Familia de la fruta cítrica. They're currently battling a spider mite infection but I'm positive they'll pull through.

Perry the Peace Lilly, Nancy the Norfolk Pine, Vince the Venus Fly Trap, Nathaniel and Chris the November and Christmas cacti (respectively), Sid the Sundew, and Samantha the Spider Plant are all doing well. They're not quite as cool as citrus :-P.

The Pirate Spiel

| 08 October 2008

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