Multimedia message

| 13 June 2006

Fuck you Dorn... Fuck you

| 11 June 2006

Damn it was sleep paralysis... not fucking alien abduction. It fits perfectly with the sleep paralysis.

This fits perfectly... to the T.

I'm back... And it's starting to suck

| 01 June 2006

Well, I've survived Korea without catching the Bird Flu or SARS or Gonorrhea. I did get hella hungover one day, but that's another story (ask me about it sometime).

The great migration from B-town to PI nearly complete. I'm heading back to B-town tomorrow morning to get the last load of stuff and clean my room. There is, however, a small wrinkle in these plans. I talked with my department head today and he told me I'm missing three credits.

For a regular student this isn't a big deal, but I've moved a state away from my school, will start work soon, and am graduating in August. Tell me when this starts making sense. How am I going to make this work?

Speaking of work, I talked to my manager today to ask when my start date will be. His response: "Enjoy your summer break before you start."

I asked: "Can you give me a rough estimate of a start date?"

"Roughly... two weeks. Roughly."

Gar. We've been discussing this job for almost three months and it still hasn't gone through the bureaucracy. Looks like I'll be puppy sitting and unpacking for a while.