
| 16 May 2007

Since this is my first weekend in a long while where I'm not traveling all over God's creation I've decided I'm making beer... Saturday AND Sunday!

I've been in a brewing drought. Last batch brewed: December. Yikes.

As you may or may not not, a new hobby developed in the meanwhile: infusing spirits. So far I've made kiwi vodka and am in the process of making triple-berry rum (of the black, rasp, and straw varieties) and raspberry gin. I think green tea something (rum? vodka? what do you think?) and rose pedal rum will be next. (For the right price, I can make anyone something)

But back to beer.

First, a historical style: Kellerbier. I'm sick of making wheat beers so this will replace it for the season. This brew will be straight to keg and straight into the fridge.

Second, an American barleywine. There's a metric shit ton of hops going into this brew. Cascade for aroma, bittering, and dry hopping (I've never dry hopped before, so here goes nothing). I'll bottle this bad boy and age it until Winter 2007.

Maybe I'll give mead another try, too....

0 wise cracks: