
| 10 December 2007

I just found out that two of the abstracts I'm attached to have been accepted to Impact 2008! April 6-11 in Las Vegas baby!

I'm waiting to hear back from two other conferences; Tecnical Leadership Exchange (April 6-9 in Orlando, May 19-22 in Rome) and WebSphere Services Technical Conference (May 5-9 in Las Vegas). Yes, there is an overlap between TLE and Impact. If I'm accepted to TLE we have enough people where we can send some to Orlando and others to Vegas. Also, if they accept the TLE abstracts there's a 50% I'll get to go to the European TLE in Rome! Hopefully I'll know before Christmas. :-)

1 wise cracks:

Jessica Magelky said...
Sat Dec 15, 11:20:00 AM CST

I submitted an abstract to a conference. In Fargo. Not 1/100 as cool. Jerk.