
| 07 November 2007

Last night was a relatively good night. I say relatively because the garbage collector (Veolia for those interested) is trying to screw me out of $76.70. I paid way-way-way back in September for yearly trash service. Unfortunately they don't believe me. Unfortunately for them I have a bank statement to prove they accepted payment.

*wrings hands with evil excitement*

Monday: Dunn Brothers - Dark Mocha Latte (awesome, as usual)
Tuesday: Starbuscks - Mocha Latte (not that good)
Wednesday: No coffee so far today
Thursday: No Coffee. :(
Friday: Kona from the Sundry Shop by the Cafeteria

I'm not as impressed with the 'bou as I once was. Their "Wild Drinks" leave chocolate/flavor sludge at the bottom of the cup. Their saving grace is regular coffee. But barely.

Tonight or tomorrow I'm going to take some time for myself and go see a movie. I want to see Dan in Real Life but I think I'll go to The Rape of Europa instead; a documentary about the pillage of Europe during WWII.

For those interested in the alcoholic concoctions I create...the blueberry melomel ferments away (finally). The four day lag time scared the crap out of me but I'm happy to report the airlock is bubbling. The reason for a lag: I re-used a yeast cake from another batch of mead.

How's the "parent" mead? I added three pints of raspberries (from the farmer's market) giving the mead a b-e-a-utiful shade of red. When I went home for lunch the raspberry pulp was pushing into the carboy neck. I'm thinking I need some citrus to go with the raspberry, but what kind?

  • Lemon
  • Lime
  • Orange
  • Tangerine
  • Grapefruit
  • Ugli frui
  • Kumquat (hehe)
  • Lemon grass
What do you guys think? (I can always split the batch in half and leave some as "raspberry").

Oh, and melomel is mead (honey wine) with fruit added.

2 wise cracks:

theresa said...
Thu Nov 08, 10:49:00 AM CST

my vote is for lime

Anonymous said...
Thu Nov 08, 08:25:00 PM CST

Tangerine...not so strong so the raspberry doesn't get overpowered.