What I learned from "Transformers" the movie

| 03 July 2007

  1. General Motors == Good
  2. All other cars == Bad
  3. Armed forces == Good
  4. Government == Pseudo-bad
  5. Nokia cell phones have samurai skills (because they're from Japan [not really...they're from Finland]).
  6. Mountain Dew is lethal
  7. Nahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnah Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig (ok, that's from "The Simpsons Movie" trailer, but worth it.

1 wise cracks:

Rachel said...
Sun Jul 08, 07:14:00 PM CDT

I saw it today. It was pretty entertaining. And I loved Spiderpig.

I'm also very happy that I drive a GM car. They're the good guys.