
| 26 March 2009

Testing... this is the view from my desk. Normally people sit at the tables on the other side of the room.

Check out that rockin' phone. It's older than I am and, I bet, older than anyone else who reads this blog.

The free pop machine that no-longer-gives-free-pop-due-to-budget-constraints.

One of many white boards.

The conference table which houses the pirate hat (if you screw up the network you have to wear the pirate hat).

Missing from the frame: Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott bobble-heads, the giant stack of manuals and paper, and my hoard of napkins.

1 wise cracks:

Jessica Magelky said...
Fri Mar 27, 12:47:00 PM CDT

And I thought my office was bad. You have more of a "space" than an office. Plus I have a new phone! ...but mine is still in Kadoka, so you win that round.