Testing... this is the view from my desk. Normally people sit at the tables on the other side of the room.
Check out that rockin' phone. It's older than I am and, I bet, older than anyone else who reads this blog.
The free pop machine that no-longer-gives-free-pop-due-to-budget-constraints.
One of many white boards.
The conference table which houses the pirate hat (if you screw up the network you have to wear the pirate hat).
Missing from the frame: Dwight Schrute and Michael Scott bobble-heads, the giant stack of manuals and paper, and my hoard of napkins.
1 wise cracks:
And I thought my office was bad. You have more of a "space" than an office. Plus I have a new phone! ...but mine is still in Kadoka, so you win that round.
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