
| 21 December 2006

You know what goes with beer?

That's right, Kimchi (or Kimchee or Gimchi). It takes a little getting used to, but it gets you where you wanna go.


| 20 December 2006

How much do I hate my job?

| 17 December 2006

A lot. Instead of working on my graduate school entrance essays, I've been at work since 2pm and won't get out of here until 8pm. Sure I'll have overtime money but I still won't have any completed essays.

This job sucks.

This just in, I'm still not done with the stupid ISMP project. IT NEVER ENDS.

Fuck it, I'm going home to have supper and work on my essay. This shitty project can wait. I need to get my priorities in order.

...go back to sleep...

| 14 December 2006

"Hey Claus, what'd you do last night?"

"I slept. A lot."

"When did you go to bed?"


"Holy crap! When did you get up?"



Guess what I saw this morning...

| 05 December 2006

Yep. A baldie. It was pecking at a carcass along side the road while I drove to work. It was pretty flipping sweet.


| 27 November 2006

I hate fucking InstallShield Multi-fucking-Platform. Dammit. This could get very interesting (by interesting, I mean complex).

Raspberry Apple Cider

| 10 November 2006

Here it is before transfer:
and in the hydrometer container:
and in the glass:

It's almost ready. It's in tertiary right now reducing it's rocket fuel flavor. It will need some calcium carbonate (to reduce acidity) and quite a bit of lactose (unfermentable sugar to sweeten). I'm still debating a vanilla bean or two.

Hoboween Savings Rodeo Weekend!

| 27 October 2006

This weekend is going to be INSANE. Hedonisnm to the extreme. More later

Ow my foot (and some pretty pictures)

| 21 October 2006

Yep, I had foot surgery yesterday to remove a ganglion cyst from the sole of my foot. No weight bearing (or showers!) until at least Monday, when I have my post-surgery checkup. I hope I get a handicap decal because last year's crutch experience really sucked the big one.

To calm you back down, enjoy some pretty pictures I took a few weekends ago at the Douglas Trail. They've been GIMP'd (or Photoshopped) to make them even better. Enjoy!

Best Beer...Ever

| 17 October 2006

This beer cost me a trip to Wisconsin, a dog-puke-filled kennel, and eight bucks. It was worth it.

This cherry "stout" is aged in oak barrels to promote spontaneous fermentation. It is made with eight Wisconsin malts and Wisconsin Montgomery cherries.

The pour produced a brown-red head that quickly disappeared. Heavy chocolate and light cherry notes in the nose. The ruddy brown brew tastes of milk chocolate, lots of vanilla, and some bourbon. Finishes sour and dry. Leaves a coconut aftertaste. As beer warms, sourness accentuates to the front.

I'd classify this as a mix between a kriek and a brown porter. (Check the BJCP. This is a PDF.)



| 12 October 2006

Puppy farts are the worst.

Just sayin'.

Watch Ty Buy His Way Into Heaven

| 08 October 2006

As I was watching the crock that is "Extreme Makeover: Home Edition," I wondered two things.

First, Why are the houses always so big? The families on EM:HE always have some sort of special need and one could reason that they probably have a tight family budget because of medical bills or other necessary expenses. Then you would think the families would have a difficult time paying for the increased heating/cooling/electrical costs and greatly increased property taxes resulting from their new and improved house. I guess Newsweek says it best.

Second, why do the producers always pick families? There are plenty of widow(ers)/singles/childless couples in America with tragedies that equal or surpass those shown on EM. It's like they're saying "Sorry you have cancer in every organ of your body ma'am, your husband was killed by an IED in Iraq, and you have not family left, but since you don't have kids... good luck with that cancer!"

*EDIT: Here's another site that discusses the increased tax impact on families.

Oh what fun

| 05 October 2006

I found out today that I have a ganglion cyst in the sole of my right foot. I'm scheduled for surgery October 20 and it sounds like I'll have crutches for a few weeks. Could make Hobo Day quite interesting.

Consolation prize: no work the 20th or the 23rd. Doctor's orders. Sounds like the "Perfect Storm" of movies/DVDs. So what should I download?

And it doesn't hurt that I'll have Tylenol w/Codeine to ease the pain. :)

Autumn is Here Again

| 01 October 2006

I love autumn. I'm really proud of the grapes and Tyson.

Oh No!

| 28 September 2006


As Always...

| 26 September 2006

...there are pictures of Tyson in the Gallery.

Can I take a nap?


I survived the trip to Indy/Purdue...and I'm exhausted. Who knew sitting on your ass for hours and hours could take so much out of you.

On a positive note, I talked to a few schools and am thoroughly impressed by the University of Arizona in Tucson. They have a top astrophysics program that allows interdisciplinary research between the Physics, Astronomy, and Planetary Science Departments. So here is my new-and-improved school preference list:

  1. University of Arizona
  2. Purdue
  3. University of Minnesota
I was not impressed by the UofM's presence at the conference. Maybe they were trying to recover from their loss to Purdue Saturday night. The guy at the info told me, in fewer words, to go online and look at the department webpage. Thanks, I could have done that at home. I pressed for more information, getting nowhere each time.

I didn't realize how many more steps I have to take before I apply to schools. Sure I have to take the GRE in November, but I should start applying for fellowships. I learned that simply applying for fellowships greatly increases your chance of acceptance.

Hooray, more applications.

Then you have to contact professors in your potential area of interest so they will champion for you when your application comes across the graduate admission committee.

I wish I could pay someone to do this stuff for me....hmmm.

Leaving on a Jetplane

| 22 September 2006

Headed to Purdue this weekend for the Big 10+ Graduate School Expo in West Lafayette, IN.

Things I'll be doing for the first time:

  • Flying out of MSP (as a terminus)
  • Flying to Indinapolis
  • Staying in a Hilton suite (king-sized bed with a sitting room! Thank you discounts.)
  • Renting a car
Tyson is staying with his kitty cousins Maria & Mittens in Woodbury while I'm away. This should prove interesting.

That Magical Season Has Returned

| 11 September 2006

That's right kiddies, curling season has returned to the great state of Minnesota. Xmas and I are entering the 2+2 Fall Bonspiel with my aunt and uncle on October 7 at the St. Paul Curling Club. It should prove to be a great time and hopefully we'll improve upon last year's record of 1-1 (granted we only had three team members last year). Maybe some people from B-town would like to come, too?

In other curling-related news I think I'll join the Dakota Curling Club for their "Singles Fun League" starting in December. There's also an Instructional League starting in April which would be fun, too *cough* Theresa *cough*.

Oops, I guess I caught her cold.


| 31 August 2006


| 29 August 2006

As you can see, his ears are FINALLY starting to flop back to normal. The other one should come around by the end of the week. Here's hoping.


| 08 August 2006

So it's been a while since my last post so here's what's been going on:

Dorn moved back to the ATL (get'em up, get'em up, get'em up!) and I have a townhouse all to myself. It rocks your socks off. I'll prolly look for a roommate come November for the spring/summer 2007 to pick up the slack.

Tyson dogger is doing well. He's been working on his tricks: sit, lay down, shake, scoot, stand, up, ring the bell, and jump. What a smart doggy!

My online radio station is back up at claussen dyndns org 8000. I'm going to add a song request feature in the near future, but in the mean time send me an IM or email and I'll add it/play it and let you know when it will play.

Oh...did I mention I'm going to RENT this weekend! WHOOO!

Sleepy Time!

| 17 July 2006

The Boys

| 14 July 2006

Meet Tyson!


Here he is, all tuckered out after a long night of driving, meeting Brodie (the other Jack Russell Terrier), getting his claws trimmed, and trying to potty.
Isn't he amazing!?

There are those puppy blues!

Tyson is 7 weeks old and was born May 22, 2006. We're heading to Brookings, SD tomorrow so be on the lookout for a cute dogger!

*MORE PICS*He just crawled under my pillow to sleep. That's not gonna last long...

Lots of updates

| 11 July 2006

Ok, so here's what we have going on: sat around for a few weeks, planted some Sweet Basil, Lemon Balm, Thyme, Rosemary, and Oregano, I've been in two commercials for SDSU's new advertising campaign (look for them this fall!), started work at IBM, and been to Quinn's bachelor party. I'll add more to this post tomorrow, but let me get to the point.

So I think I'm going to get a dog this weekend...this dog if I can.

His name is Tyson, a Westie and should be well suited to the apartment life he'll have for a few years. If things go well, I could have him sometime Sunday afternoon (with help from Jess).

So I filled out my adoption application this afternoon at work wih the hopes of adopting Tyson this weekend. Hopes were running high until about 8pm. Dorn asked for Tyson's link on and discovered Tyson was marked as adopted. A few minutes later I recieved an email saying Tyson was indeed adopted. So much for a westie.

Anyway, I'm going to call a family in Spring Valley, MN to inquire about some Jack Russell Terriers, like what my roomate has. I'll keep the poll open, but will add more if/when I get a dogger.

So my question is: What should I name him? See the sidebar to vote.

Multimedia message

| 13 June 2006

Fuck you Dorn... Fuck you

| 11 June 2006

Damn it was sleep paralysis... not fucking alien abduction. It fits perfectly with the sleep paralysis.

This fits perfectly... to the T.

I'm back... And it's starting to suck

| 01 June 2006

Well, I've survived Korea without catching the Bird Flu or SARS or Gonorrhea. I did get hella hungover one day, but that's another story (ask me about it sometime).

The great migration from B-town to PI nearly complete. I'm heading back to B-town tomorrow morning to get the last load of stuff and clean my room. There is, however, a small wrinkle in these plans. I talked with my department head today and he told me I'm missing three credits.

For a regular student this isn't a big deal, but I've moved a state away from my school, will start work soon, and am graduating in August. Tell me when this starts making sense. How am I going to make this work?

Speaking of work, I talked to my manager today to ask when my start date will be. His response: "Enjoy your summer break before you start."

I asked: "Can you give me a rough estimate of a start date?"

"Roughly... two weeks. Roughly."

Gar. We've been discussing this job for almost three months and it still hasn't gone through the bureaucracy. Looks like I'll be puppy sitting and unpacking for a while.

Top of the World!

| 25 May 2006

 Posted by Picasa

More Korea Pics


Bottles of Soju we drank at supper (sweet potato "vodka")

Gungdong or Bartown in Daejeon
Climbing Mt. Sorak
 Posted by Picasa

Some Pics from Korea

| 19 May 2006

Here I'm dressed in traditional clothing for a student who has taken a national exam and received first place in the country.

This is a small piece of dried fish that you eat like jerky. It's a little bit bigger than the size of your thumb.

This is the Ginseng Man. He is in Geunsam where the 2006 World Ginseng Expo will be held this fall.

This is what one of our tables looked like after we had lunch. One main dish (beef in this case) and lots of side dishes. Delicious.
 Posted by Picasa

Congrats to Chris & Melissa!

| 08 May 2006

Now that graduation is over, this coming weekend brings Chris & Melissa's wedding. They've waited 6+ years for this day to come and it's finally here.

Cross your fingers that everything will go well...the weather will be beautiful, the photographer gets to the church on time, the flowers aren't dead on delivery, the DJ has (or hasn't) remembered the "Chicken Dance," and anything else that could go wrong doesn't.

Here's hoping they have a wonderful and magical day they'll remember for the rest of their lives.



| 06 May 2006

Whelp, today was Graduation Day here in sunny Brookings, South Dakota. It'll be bittersweet, but I am most definetly ready for a permanent change. It's been fun, but I don't want to be here anymore. Get me out of here.

The first highlight of what lies ahead is South Korea. Yep, South Korea. I'll be there for ten days experiencing all that the Far East has to offer (in the southern half of the Korean peninsula).

After that, I'm leaving B-town for good and moving to Pine Island. A nicer place awaits me there. I'll be there for 15 months working at IBM in Rochester until I countinue my journey to graduate school in 2007.

It's kind of like "Bigger and Better", but for the real world. Go ahead world, bring it on.

Everybody's a Comedian...

| 26 March 2006

Except when they're not. Did you ever know someone who thought they were funny, when in reality the closest they'll ever get to being funny is slipping on the ice and falling down? Stupid jokes that are retold over and over again. Jokes that aren't even close to being funny.


Sping Bake

| 13 March 2006

Spring Break Quotes ‘06

It smells like Auschwitz in here. ~Kris

I should take Collin,. . .he’s fat. Fat kids love twine ~Jess

Get ROWDY!!! Hey. . .hey. . . . . .NO!!! Don’t!!!!! Those are folded!!!!! ~Kris

You just got hit in the head with a slimy banana peel. . .UGH!! ~Claus

What’s the word? THUNDERBIRD!! ~Claus and Kris

It’s Spring BAKE!! ~Kris

We’re segregated. SHHHH!!!! They’re black! ~Suzy and Bobbie

Jess has hairy nipples!! ~Bobbie

Phones have phone sex. . .how do you think we get other phones? ~Unknown

What if I have to go to the hopsicle? ~Jess

Jess’ hairy tassels ~ Bobbie

I haven’t pukes in, like, 10 minutes! ~ Jess

I haven’t been this drunk in TWO DAYS! ~unknown

I’ve peed on that couch when I was little. Thank about that! ~Claus

I have a snuggy like you wouldn’t believe ~unknown

Fwasted! ~Unknown

Erected cock ~Unknown

Eat poop and rye? ~Jess

What’s the opposite of Kris P.? Soggy ~Bobbie

My mom is stacked.~ Suzy

Tell him about the Kripy Hook! ~Bobbie

Who loves the cock? Soggy loves the cock! ~unknown

Butt biscuits ~Claus

Commence mounting ~unknown

Hey, Jess. . .it’s past 11:00 we can go to the liquor store!


But, it’s Spring Bake!!!

FUCK SPRING BAKE!! ~ Suzy and Jess

Get in the fucking shower, you God damn APE! ~Claus

I am X-Mas!

My arms are flexy

The girls thinks I’m SEXY!! ~ X-Mas

I want to be able to use my spork!


I broke my spork. . . ~Jess

Words that start with “IM”

Embarrass! ~Kris

Oh. . .my Jucy’s already erupted. . . ~Claus

Fuck you! ~everyone


Do you know what an Eiffel tower is?? Huh??? Do ya??? ~Kris

She had on a black thong. . .

Um, Claus, it was red. .

No, it was black. . .

No, sweetie, it was red. . .


Okay! ~Claus, Jess, and Suzy

Here, have some stripper make-up. . .oh, and you too ~Claus

We're allowed back to the NORMANDY INN!!!!~ Claus

This had better be one fucking spectacular ball of twine. . . ~Kris

Oh!! The ape is horny!!!


NO!!! aPe!!!! ~Kris and Jess

Claussen’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow, zoo tomorrow. Claussen’s taking us to the zoo tomorrow. We can stay til 4!! ~ Jess and Suzy

I think I peed a little. . .

I’m sleeping on that bed!!! ~Bobbie and Claus

Mommy. . .I think they’re breeding ~Kid at the zoo


No, we just want towels. .

No, I clean your room. . . It free!!

TOWELS!! ~Housekeeping and Claus


Um, hi.

Are you looking for a cell phone?


Yeah, well, I have it. But, I think the better question is: Where and who am I? ~Theresa and front desk guy.

By the way, nice picture. . . ~Front desk guy

Oh no!! It’s hailing on your fort!!!

OW!! MY EYE!!!! ~Claus and Jess

First of all: Fuck you! Second of all: No. . . ~Suzy

I think we’re lost. . .

We are not fucking lost!

Kris is probably wondering what the Hell we are doing. . .

We are not lost! Just get the directions!

Don’t turn there!! That’s wrong!!!

Well, what do you expect me to do?!? I’m already in the fucking turn lane!!

Kris is probably wondering what the Hell we are doing. . .

Oh. . .look. It’s our hotel!!

How the Hell. . . .?

HIZZAH!!!! ~Jess, Claus, and Suzy

Those are fake. . .

Yup. . .

But, I like her dress.

Yeah, it’s really pretty ~Suzy and Jess

How many pints of blood are you?

Wow, that’s bloody ~Suzy and Jess

Frat boys!! FUCK YEAH!! ~Everyone

It’s official. . . Spring Bake kicked my ass! ~Jess and Suzy

Hello? Yeah, I was wondering if you delivered to the Normandy Inn? Out of your range? Okay, I’ll call that number, thank you. Yeah, hi. I was wondering if you delivered to the Normandy Inn? Out of range? Okay, I’ll call that number, thank you. Hi, I was wondering if you delivered to the Normandy Inn? Call this number? Okay. Um, guys, they’ve already given me that number. Fuck it, let’s call Dominoes. ~Kris

And I was like. . .oh gross! Someone wiped their shit on the bathmat!!! But, then I realized that it my own vomit. . . ~Jess


| 11 March 2006

What do you guys I should do during my year off?


Case Day: Beer 24

| 26 February 2006

Approximate BAC: .???
Weight: 174.5 lbs
Pizzas eaten: One
Red Bulls Drank: One
Trips to Walmart: 1
Movies "watched": 7
Trips to SuFu: 1
Beers Bonged: 3

How did I lose weight doing this?

Drunk at 4 in the afternoon. I've been drinking since 10:24. On a sunday. I'm going to hell


Case Day: Beer 12


Approximate BAC: .???
Weight: 176.5 lbs
Pizzas eaten: One
Red Bulls Drank: One
Trips to Walmart: 1
Movies "watched": 2.5
Trips to SuFu: 1

Case Day: Beer 9

| 25 February 2006

Approximate BAC: .09
Weight: 177.0 lbs (before peeing, 175 after)
Pizzas eaten: One
Red Bulls Drank: One
Trips to Walmart: 1
Movies "watched": 1.75
Trips to Sioux Falls: 1

Case Day: Beer 6.5


Went to Sioux Falls to Cold Stone Creamery

Case Day: Beer 6


Approximate BAC: .076
Weight: 177.0 lbs
Pizzas eaten: 1
Red Bulls Drank: None
Trips to Walmart: 1
Movies "watched": 1.5

Case Day: Beer 3.5 -> If your cat is in heat


  • Grab wailing, squirming cat and place it on your lap with its hind quarters readily accessible. Chances are the cat will freely offer them, if not the first time this procedure is followed, then certainly each time afterward.
  • Insert the Q-tip into the cat's vagina. It will be exposed and puffy. Do not insert the Q-tip into the other orifice. Either way the cat will begin to scream, but there is a subtle and audible difference in the scream of satisfaction and the scream of rectal pain. Experiment a little until you can distinguish the two.
  • Move the Q-tip in and out of the cat's vagina slowly at first, then more rapidly. No need to be gentle, no matter what you do with the Q-tip it beats a barbed cat penis digging around in there.
  • You are finished when the cat is finished. You will know when the cat is finished because it will either begin immediately to have a cat orgasm, or it will run away with the Q-tip sticking out of its ass. If this happens let it enjoy itself for a few minutes before attempting to retrieve your Q-tip.
  • That is it, you are done. Enjoy the peace and quiet until the cat flares up again.

    What to look for: The cat orgasm that follows this procedure is something the likes of which I have never seen elsewhere. It is a wriggling, leaping, moaning dance of ecstasy that defies any experience of pleasure my mind can even begin to grasp. If humans had orgasms with the intensity of a cat serviced in this way there would be no such thing as war, hunger, capitalism or God.

    Background: A cat in heat is, with few exceptions, one of the most irritating things to have living in your home. A cat in heat will follow you around and howl at you in a bone chilling, hideous wail until you are ready just to toss it outside and let it get pounded by the local tom's. After a few days of this torture having to drown a few kittens sounds relaxing. This cat-saving technique was first demonstrated to me by a terminally un-squeemish roomate of years past.

Case Day: Beer 3


Approximate BAC: .035
Weight: 175.0 lbs
Pizzas eaten: None
Red Bulls Drank: None
Trips to Walmart: 1
Movies "watched": 1

Chicken Fucker

| 19 February 2006

If you see this guy on campus (he lives in The Annex, Room 120). Make sure you call him a "[poultry type]-fucker" and kick him in the junk.

Also, if you know me and the story behind this assclown, make sure you kick him again when he's down.

This fool is also in Facebook, address

Have fun!


| 07 February 2006

I know some of you want me to post the link to my picture server so here you go:

claussen dot dyndns dot org

There you go. Have a good time and leave lots of comments. If you're a friend, feel free to join up and post your own pictures, too!
