Franz Ferdinand
So tonight was one of the best night's I've ever had at SDSU. Besides getting drunk at a house party I had fun talking about the start of WWI and WWII with this guy named Jeff who lives across the hall from the Girl's. It was fun talking about what may or maynot have happene if the US had not entered either war. Whoo, good times noodle salad (extra noodles and butter).
Wake me up when December ends
Ok, so this has been a long time coming. I really love my school and the people that go here, but I'm having some issues with some of the people I live with. I miss living in Byron in my one-bedroom apartment. Now I live with three other people and one in particular who is really getting on my nerves. He's a fellow physics major, but he does little/no work toward his degree. He then gives academic advice to other majors encouraging them to change majors to the "Flexible Physics" option, giving them the opportunity to take fewer high-level courses. To me, this is the embodiment of what is wrong with higher education in America.
As if that weren't enough he's encroaching on my life, or more specifically: he's taking my friends.
I'm a very private person. I don't like to talk about personal things with people unless I can trust them wholeheartedly. This is a very small and select group of people that I care deeply about (if you're reading this, you know who you are). This group is very different from the people I see everyday in class, casually talk to, work on homework and projects with, etc... Anywho, this person is edging into my personal group of friends, and I hate it.
Everyone has their faces they show the world. Everyone does it, but they never realize it. It's kinda like how on Seinfeld when George reacts to Susan doing things with Jerry, Elaine, and Kramer. Your worlds fall apart and there is no refuge from the day to day.
Now, my worlds are colliding. This guy is entering my other life. I can't complain or talk about him to the other group anymore because now they are becoming friends. GD it all to hell.
As I said, I love this school, the professors, my department, and most of all my friends, but this is too much. I'm ready to move to the Cities and start grad school. Only 5 months to go...
On a positive note, I submitted my application to the University of Minnesota today. Here goes nothing!
So I've started my a new blog detailing a project I'm working on: StellarLinux. This will be a Knoppix-based LiveCD with Astronomy software. Eventually, I'd like to put course material on the CD and distribute it to Astronomy Students.
I'm really excited that the school has given me the chance to do something I love.
OH, and one other thing, I've put a link to Threadless T-Shirts. They have a lot of cool designs...check them out! (Nice boobies!)
How's it goin'? Can I get you a mint?
I know I haven't had much to say recently, but that's my own damn fault. I've been keeping extremely busy. It seems like every free moment is filled with work or homework (except for the weekends, those are MINE).
Let's see, what's happened since we last chatted?
The weekend of 23 Septembre we went to The Cities to see the fabulous U2 in concert. This is what their stage looked like:Dashboard Confessional opened for U2, unfortunately the improperly tuned speakers and Chris Carrabba's naturally high voice caused quite the strain on our little ears. I was really looking forward to seeing them play, but felt let down.
U2 was simply amazing. You could feel the crowd's electricity in the air. Bono invited not one, but two(!) ladies onstage to dance with him.
The rest of the weekend was spent losing our Ikea virginity, enjoying Cosetta's Italian, Jucy Lucy's, and Cheesecake Factory.
A few days pass...
Last week I headed back to The Cities for the Nine Inch Nails concert. Nails rocked the Xcel Energy Center; they sounded just like their CDs. It was worth the four hours of sleep I got that morning.
As if that wasn't enough for one week: Saturday, Eik (Jess) and I experienced the Brookings Pub Crawl for the very first time. Here was the plan of attack:
- The Safari Lounge - Our home team
- Main Street Pub
- Cubby's
- Chevy's
- The Lantern - Home of the Lantern Tea
- Ray's Corner
- Back to the Saf
The Jucy Lucy has graced Wikipedia!
The Wisdom of Jess
I've decided to create a "Jess's Greatest Hits" list for her numerous quoatables. If you think of anymore, I'd be glad to post them for everyone to enjoy.
- I'm not that easy.
- Response to a statement that she met a raccoon in McCory Gardens
- If I had a mouth that big, I would experiment.
- Expressed as sheer amazement at the size of Cy Fixen's mouth.
- She isn't smart enough to read.
- Stated at Movie Gallery in a moment of tactlessness.
- Jessica only has two syllables: Jess/ica
- This pearl was bestowed on us one night at Cubby's Sports Bar & Grill
I heart Halloween
So we were at the world O'Wally the other night buying God knows what, when we came to the costumes department. Those Carebears are rated for 2-5 year olds, but by God do they fit on 21 year olds (they even fit on Theresa's mondo noggin).
Welcome Back Bash Fun
This was at the Welcome Back Bash at SDSU. They had one of those big velcro walls that you run, jump, and stick to. I decided to give it the Ol' College Try.
I found this gem at Target in Rochester. That's right, it's a knit it yourself bikini. Fun for everyone at the beach! (I wonder what yarn would feel like down there?)
Coolest plant ever. I saw this at the Olmsted County Fair on Friday as part of the Horticulture exhibition. As you can see, it placed relatively well in the competition (blue ribbon).
Subservient Chicken
I was at work today and one of my coworkers sent me this url. Try "do a backflip".
I finally got to try Jimmy John's (there's one in Rochester, across from the Charleton Building at 9 Third Ave. NW.) I had "#1 Pepe", which is real applewood smoked ham and provalone cheese garnished with lettuce, tomato and mayo (Awesome!)"; and yes, the description actually says "(Awesome!)".
And it was Awwwweesome. I know where I'm eating once a week until I leave Rochester.
This just in!!
There's a Jimmy John's in Sioux Falls! Here's the map.
I wasn't the only one
I forgot to mention, while I was waiting to get X-Rays the nurse asked me, "Soccer?" To which I replied, "Softball."
"You're problaby the fifth or sixth person that has been here tonight with some sport inury. But I think you're the first softball."
Graceful as a Duck, part 2
So there I was, icing my knee, chillin' with the wives and watching the rest of the first game. Unfortunately, my sacrifice was for naught: we lost the game 6-1. Oh, did I mention that we were scheduled to play a doubleheader?
As the team rested/practiced/mumbled to themselves, "What's the point?", the womenfolk busied themselves trying to find "The Replacement", but to no avail. Everyone was: A) Busy, B) Had something better to do, or C) At Lamaze Class (that's my favorite). Then the Fates smiled on our team as my manager and his two kids peddled by in Woodside Park.
Doug took the call to action as best he could. I gave him my cleats, glove and the rest of my weekly allotment of luck. A combination of Sherri's Power Lineup and Doug proved to be a combination that couldn't be beat. We annihilated the other team, 17-8.
When the game was over, my second-line manager finally returned our calls to see how the game turned out. We told him that I was injured, and he replied that I should go to the hospital and get it checked out. He told me to go anywhere I wanted, Workman's Comp would cover it. I thought "SWEEEEET". And made my way to St. Mary's Hospital ER in downtown Rochester. I thought to myself, "Self, if kings and queens can be treated there, you can, too!"
So I spent the next two hours in St. Mary's ER, watching Futurama, Family Guy, and Iron Chef (random interruptions of X-Rays and questionaires were sprinkled throughout).
Prognosis...Positive! Diagnosis: Strained knee caused by hyperextension (bending the wrong way {in instead of out [Take that Jess, I'm using BRACKETS]}). My doctor gave me a brand new knee stabilizer, some crutches, and instructions for physical thearapy.
So now I walk around with my knee stabilizer and crutches, waiting for my first physical thearapy session next Tuesday. On the plus side I get to wear shorts to work during the hottest week of the year!
Graceful as a Duck, part 1
So last night was my first softball game in almost a month (hooray for friend's birthdays and rain). I was actually excited to play our first double header of the season. Here's my play by play:
At the top of the 1st we took the field and I made my way to right
field. We were a small team; just barely making the cutoff of ten
people. Not much happened this inning, the other team scored five of their
six points before they were out. Then it was our turn at bat.I was eighth in the batting order, and I just barely missed batting that
inning. I'd start the lineup at the bottom of the second.So the second inning... here's where things get interresting. The top
of the inning was quick and easy: three up, three down. Sweet.
I get to start us off. I take a few practice swings and make my way to the
plate. The pitcher threw me a nice slow pitch that I grounded past the 2nd
baseman, just making it to 1st.Next guy in the order is up, strikeout. Now we're at the bottom of the
order. If it's good, I'm gone. First pitch a foul down the third
base line. Second pitch, a lofter just above the head of the first
basemen. First base coach tells me to go, so I'm gone.
Unfortunately, the right fielder has caught the ball.The next thing I hear is everyone yelling, "Back!" I turn tail (I'm
about 3/8 of the way to second) and bolt it back. About two steps after I
turn my left knee locks up and gets a nice jolt, cleats into the dirt with the
leg fully extended outward. (I later learn it's been
hyperextended.) Regardless, I'm tagged out.At this point my knee is a little sore, but nothing I can't handle. I
take right field with a small limp. The top of the third was a pretty good
inning for me. I did manage to run up and catch a nice hit that was almost
right to me. After this amazing feat, my knee is getting a little
more sore.Bottom of the third, we're up to bat, but I get to lead off in the
fourth. I've started to ice my knee when we're back in the "dugout".
Top of the fourth, It's starting to get stiff. Bottom of the fifth, I bat,
but I take a pinch runner. After that, I'm out, sitting on the bleachers
with the wives.
I'll continue my story a little later in the day...
Hints for the future
Here's a good tip: Don't play softball with your managers, you're only asking for trouble.
Ok, so maybe you can play softball with your manager, but always do some background research before you agree to play.
- Make sure the team is playing for the sake of fun, not for standings.
- Know other people on the team beside your manager. Otherwise, it's pretty damn awkward.
Where did you find that name?
That url explains it all.
Oh, and Llamas rock! (¡Miel!)
New Blog Spot
I moved here from MSN... just because it's Google. Fun times.
Today it was 88 outside. Meanwhile in my apartment it was around 95 degrees. God it was hot. Then what did I decide to do? That's right, I bottled beer. Thankfully that's over and done with and I don't have to deal with that batch ever again (except for a 1-2 weeks from now, when I get to sample it! {Look I'm Jess, I use braces!!!}) Look, more exclamation points "!!!"
Oh, and I discovered the greatest invention on the face of the earth: The Swiffer. My kitchen floor is actually clean thanks to the wet pad. Plus they have so many other purposes.
But I need a shower, it's HOT in hurr.