New Blog Spot

| 10 July 2005

I moved here from MSN... just because it's Google. Fun times.

Today it was 88 outside. Meanwhile in my apartment it was around 95 degrees. God it was hot. Then what did I decide to do? That's right, I bottled beer. Thankfully that's over and done with and I don't have to deal with that batch ever again (except for a 1-2 weeks from now, when I get to sample it! {Look I'm Jess, I use braces!!!}) Look, more exclamation points "!!!"

Oh, and I discovered the greatest invention on the face of the earth: The Swiffer. My kitchen floor is actually clean thanks to the wet pad. Plus they have so many other purposes.

But I need a shower, it's HOT in hurr.

0 wise cracks: