Graceful as a Duck, part 2

| 14 July 2005

So there I was, icing my knee, chillin' with the wives and watching the rest of the first game. Unfortunately, my sacrifice was for naught: we lost the game 6-1. Oh, did I mention that we were scheduled to play a doubleheader?

As the team rested/practiced/mumbled to themselves, "What's the point?", the womenfolk busied themselves trying to find "The Replacement", but to no avail. Everyone was: A) Busy, B) Had something better to do, or C) At Lamaze Class (that's my favorite). Then the Fates smiled on our team as my manager and his two kids peddled by in Woodside Park.

Doug took the call to action as best he could. I gave him my cleats, glove and the rest of my weekly allotment of luck. A combination of Sherri's Power Lineup and Doug proved to be a combination that couldn't be beat. We annihilated the other team, 17-8.

When the game was over, my second-line manager finally returned our calls to see how the game turned out. We told him that I was injured, and he replied that I should go to the hospital and get it checked out. He told me to go anywhere I wanted, Workman's Comp would cover it. I thought "SWEEEEET". And made my way to St. Mary's Hospital ER in downtown Rochester. I thought to myself, "Self, if kings and queens can be treated there, you can, too!"

So I spent the next two hours in St. Mary's ER, watching Futurama, Family Guy, and Iron Chef (random interruptions of X-Rays and questionaires were sprinkled throughout).

Prognosis...Positive! Diagnosis: Strained knee caused by hyperextension (bending the wrong way {in instead of out [Take that Jess, I'm using BRACKETS]}). My doctor gave me a brand new knee stabilizer, some crutches, and instructions for physical thearapy.

So now I walk around with my knee stabilizer and crutches, waiting for my first physical thearapy session next Tuesday. On the plus side I get to wear shorts to work during the hottest week of the year!

0 wise cracks: