I went to the chiropractor yesterday and things are looking up. I have a second appointment Friday morning at 8 am (ugh).
In other news... tomorrow is closing! I'm beyond excited...I'm ecstatic! I have a few last minute items to attend to (like the cashier's check).
Tomorrow I'm updating the blog as the day goes on. Stay tuned for regular updates!
And weeeee! (possibly NSFW)
Three days to go...
...and I threw out my back. All the moving boxes and curling rocks caught up with me.
I literally rolled out of bed this morning. At a snails pace.
I'm going to the chiropractor tomorrow and in the meantime I'm staying dosed on ibuprofen.
Here we are
It's now a little over a week until closing. I'm pretty damn excited. The apartment is somewhat packed; books, garage, DVDs, and games are all packed. This week end I'll package most remaining wine/beer/mead, eat my way through the freezer, and start packing my room and the kitchen.
Hopefully I'll get a little Caprica thrown in there, too.
Second Post
Waaaaaaaay back in 2004 I took a merry old trip to England (Oxford, that is). On my last day in Oxford I paid the Anglican church five pounds (ten dollars) for the privilege of climbing the top spire of University Church of St Mary the Virgin.
It was a b-e-a-utiful morning and I snapped this shot:Naturally I touched up the color, removed a bum, a van, a really ugly building and a few cranes.
Why all the hubub? Schmap picked this picture for it's Oxford guide. Sweet.
Wasting time (22 days)
I'm wrapping up my contingencies. Homeowner's insurance will soon arrive, the appraisal took place, and the preliminary title search came back clean.
In the mean time I'm packing. And by packing I mean packaging. And by packaging I mean taking care of brewing projects. I have three small projects (gallon jugs of wine and mead) and five large projects (five gallons carboys of wine and beer). I will have the three small projects and two large projects bottled and one large project kegged. The other two large projects need another year at least before they're ready.
Hmm. Maybe I might need more time off work...
New Toy
Because I'm a klutz and spilled beer on my old laptop (spilly!) I bought a new laptop. Nothing too spectacular, just an updated T60 and dock.
Back to our regularly scheduled program
This just in: the seller's found a house. Back to closing and moving April 30.
Let's hope it stays that way.
In which I'm a "decent" person
I gave the sellers three options:
- They lease the house for three months @ $1300/month. This pays the mortgage and pays me for the damn inconvenience. I keep my apartment through July 31. They have to be out by July 15.
- They get a one month lease for $2088. This pays my apartment's rent through July 31. They have to be out by May 30. I pay mortgage.
- No lease and they hit the street April 30.
I think those options are more than fair, all things considered. It sucks that they couldn't get the house they wanted but they should have planned for this contingency.
If I didn't charge the fees similar to those above I'd be royally screwed as I'd be paying more than $2000/month in June and July for both a house and an apartment. That's pre-utilities and other monthly payments. If I were married we would have two incomes and might make this work but seeing as it's just little ol'me it ain't gonna happen.
I will say this: karma is a bitch. They jerked me around on the final price so maybe this is nature's way of letting me come out ahead.
Their agent is out of the office today so I'll know more Friday.
Hold your horses
Here I am, 29 days away from closing, when I get a phone call from my-aunt-the-realtor. She informed me that the sellers were unable to close on the house they wanted and that they want to push closing back to May 29.
That is not an April Fools Joke.
I told my-aunt-the-realtor that my loan lock expires May 5 (and I definitely want that rate), I've submitted my lease-break form, and I cannot clean a house, move, and clean an apartment in 2.5 days. Not going to happen.
I told her I'm willing to rent back to the owners if they're out before May 22nd. That's three weeks after closing and a full seven weeks from today.
Naturally this throws a wrench into my already made plans but I think I'm taking this whole thing rather well.
Novice Spiel Day 2 &3
Saturday @11:15am: Lost big time
Saturday @9:15pm: Lost by inches
Saturday 11:45pm: Drank away our pain and planned for next year.
Sunday 11:00am: Watched the two remaining DCC teams play each other.
Sunday 12:30pm: Killed 4 hours at Ikea, Best Buy, Slumberland, and Potbelly's
Sunday 5:30pm: Fourth curling game of the weekend (regular curling league). I skipped and pulled out a win.
Sunday 6pm: DCC team wins the Fourth Event in the Novice Spiel!!
Sunday 8pm: Beer and appetizer @Applebees
Sunday 11:30pm: Back in c-Roch.... working.
Sunday 1:30am: Bed.