Today's been a career day...

| 30 January 2008

...futures made and fortunes lost.

One of the joys about working at the biggest of ceruleans is that first quarter is re-org time. The first week back from Christmas break was filled with news of new directors, moved VP's, resignations, promotions, etc. The team I work with moved down the totem when a new VP inserted herself between the directors and the "main" VP (that's what she said). No big deal. Things like that don't matter in the grand scheme of things. Less than a thousand people were affected.

Luckily no re-org for my department.


I found out yesterday that the team I work with is "moving." They're not physically going anywhere but they/we are moving to a new reporting structure with a new mission. What's this new mission? What was the old mission? What the hell does Zeke actually do? I don't know where I am. There's blood on my knife. I think I killed someone. :-) very inside joke of me.

Our team focused on getting things to work for the first time. We create intellectual capital (a fancy way of saying documents) that fellow works and/or customers use to get their own setup running.

This new org focuses on a word that isn't even a word: consumability. <-- Not a real word! HA!

Instead of focusing on depth we're moving to breadth. Cross-product interaction. Integration. e-buisness. SOA. SaS.

This may or may not affect me. The VP who's leading this charge and taking the team under his wing will visit the lab tomorrow (Jan. 31). I don't know how or if this will affect me but I'll know more tomorrow morning. Maybe I'm leaving my lofty position in the department of product architects. My manager kept me in the dark so far so who knows.

More at 11 (and after some Office Space).

2 wise cracks:

Jessica Magelky said...
Mon Feb 04, 09:48:00 PM CST

So...what is the good word?

Zeke said...
Tue Feb 05, 09:49:00 PM CST

I still don't know. My 1x1 scheduled for this week is now two weeks away. Boourns