Let hell month commence!

| 24 July 2007

This week:

  • Monday: Prepare updated image for manager (who is now in Austin, TX). Run the computer for a demo to a major research firm (I thought I was going to have a heart attack after I realized who the firm was).
  • Tuesday: Test new MVWare image for manager. Monty Python's Spamalot! at the Ordway in St. Paul.
  • Wednesday: Family arrives. Sign my leaese and begin moving.
  • Thursday: Take family on IBM tour. Continue moving
  • Friday: Yet more moving/cleaning. Manager gives demo in Denver.
  • Saturday: Possible brewery tours in the Cities
  • Sunday: BWCA/Dungeons & Dragons planning get together.

Observations on my trip to New York (so far)

| 10 July 2007

  1. The men's room at O'Hare, Terminal 3, Concourse G smells like black licorice.
  2. O'Hare likes to cancel flights due to "air traffic" and "wind" (no effect to flights as of 7/10).
  3. Wild turkeys run rampant at IBM HQ.
  4. New York can be just as hot and humid as Minnesota.
  5. I have a funny accent.
  6. Just because your cellphone was smart and changed time zones, it doesn't mean your laptop does the same.

What I learned from "Transformers" the movie

| 03 July 2007

  1. General Motors == Good
  2. All other cars == Bad
  3. Armed forces == Good
  4. Government == Pseudo-bad
  5. Nokia cell phones have samurai skills (because they're from Japan [not really...they're from Finland]).
  6. Mountain Dew is lethal
  7. Nahnahnahnahnahnahnahnahnah Spider-Pig, Spider-Pig (ok, that's from "The Simpsons Movie" trailer, but worth it.

I'm a real employee!

| 02 July 2007

Yep, today I became a "regular" employee although nothing has changed. I have the same serial number (that I've had since Jan. '05), same email address (since July '06), and same job (since Feb. '07). I even have the same directory listing (since July '06), although that will changed Wednesday or Thursday.

I'm glad for the change. I no longer track hours worked (yay!), but I no longer receive overtime (boo!). Plus I'm no longer paid weekly (bi-weekly after I receive last week's paycheck). I'm super excited for vacation and am looking forward to take some time off later this week. I still need to buy fishing equipment and supplies.

Well, since I'm a regular employee I decided to leave work early today. As such, I bought four pounds of cherries (for a kickin' beer), made 10 liters of ginger ale/beer, and enjoyed some pretty damn good Hoegaarden.