I did this one, too!

| 22 May 2007

I made it myself

| 21 May 2007

Empty Soju bottles. Taken in South Korea.
Cool, huh?


| 16 May 2007

Since this is my first weekend in a long while where I'm not traveling all over God's creation I've decided I'm making beer... Saturday AND Sunday!

I've been in a brewing drought. Last batch brewed: December. Yikes.

As you may or may not not, a new hobby developed in the meanwhile: infusing spirits. So far I've made kiwi vodka and am in the process of making triple-berry rum (of the black, rasp, and straw varieties) and raspberry gin. I think green tea something (rum? vodka? what do you think?) and rose pedal rum will be next. (For the right price, I can make anyone something)

But back to beer.

First, a historical style: Kellerbier. I'm sick of making wheat beers so this will replace it for the season. This brew will be straight to keg and straight into the fridge.

Second, an American barleywine. There's a metric shit ton of hops going into this brew. Cascade for aroma, bittering, and dry hopping (I've never dry hopped before, so here goes nothing). I'll bottle this bad boy and age it until Winter 2007.

Maybe I'll give mead another try, too....

It's that time of the year...

| 10 May 2007

and I don't mean baseball season. It's moving time!

Well, it's not really moving time but it's time to start looking (damn two month warning period). By the end of the month I need to know where I'm living for the next 12 months.

Now, being a pet owner severely limits my options. Specifically, being a dog owner severely limits my options. In Rochester, there are three places I was considering: The Village at Essex, Quarry Ridge, and GrandeVille at Cascade Lake.

After talking with a friend about her experience at "The Village" (of the Damned) I realized that it's not a place I want to live. Turns out they also offer Section 8 housing at their property. That means one of her friends woke up to an arm coming through a cut in a screen window. No way will I live there.

Yesterday I cut out a bit early and went to Quarry Ridge. I learned there's one one bedroom available, a handicap unit. I looked at the place and for the price it isn't worth it. Sure there's underground parking and a pool, but still, it's a small overpriced apartment.

Which brings us to today and GrandeVille. Think townhouse meets apartment. I'm really digging "The Aspen" on first floor. Right now I have a two bedroom townhouse, and I hardly ever use my second bedroom. It sits empty as an office and a greenhouse for my pepper and rosemary, respectively. The particular unit I was shown is two doors down from the lake (sweet!) and in the back of the development. Nice and quiet.

Amenities: Pool with cabana (think grill, fridge, sink, prep area), exercise equipment, tanning, sauna, clubhouse, personal garage and private entrance. Oh and the unit I was shown had a fireplace.

Price: It's more than what I pay now, but I'll be paying less in utilities.

Other: It's in Rochester and not PI. It's close to a kick-ass sledding hill and a produce market (yes, they belong in the same sentence). The daily commute will be 10 minutes instead of 25. Oh, and they like pets.

So, yeah. I really like this place. What do you guys think?