Paddlin' the school canoe...

| 14 August 2008

...that's a paddlin'.

I leave tonight for the midnight showing of "Star Wars: The Clone Wars" at Rosedale AMC 14 with some friends. Tomorrow we'll get up, re-pack our bags, double-check our lists, and depart Steaming St. Paul for Evangelical Ely. Saturday will be an early morning of buying fishing, picking up bait, visiting the outfitter for our items (paddles, PFDs, and permit) and to watch the kick-ass BWCAW Bear video. Then we'll drive an hour to our entry point and start our canoe trip in the Boundary Waters Canoe Area Wilderness.

Seven days in the wild. I'm giddy with excitement.

Here are pictures from last year's trip.

1 wise cracks:

theresa said...
Fri Aug 15, 10:06:00 AM CDT

Have a great trip!!