
| 25 September 2007

Mmm, Apple Cider

| 23 September 2007

This goes out to Jess/smelly/Ike:

Remember three years ago, about this time of year, when we made hard cider at Skylight Apts? I do and I have one bottle left.

I just opened the second to last bottle to flavor my kielbasa (dirty sounding, I know). Remember how astringent and horrible it tasted? Well, like most things, it GREATLY improved with age.

I will bring the last bottle to Hobo Day.

P.S. Theresa and I are coming for Hobo Day.

P.P.S. You smell.

Why not make "10" louder?

| 19 September 2007

Mint-y Fresh!

| 18 September 2007

For the past few weeks I've been using Mint to coordinate my spending across my ING accounts and Chase credit card. It lets you itemize each purchase you make (on some form of plastic) so you can see where all your money goes. I know mine goes to rent, shopping, and restaurants.

Here's a sample summary (with amounts blurred out):

You can click on each section of the pie and drill down deeper into each category. For example, Home drills down to: Mortgage/Rent, Furnishings, and Home Improvement.

I like it a lot. For me it's a shocking visualization of where I spend my money, thus helping me conserve.

Give it a shot!


| 17 September 2007

You can't spell "kegorator" without "art"

| 16 September 2007

Keg 2 will be Oatmeal Stout...mmmm, stout.
Posted by Picasa


| 12 September 2007

Check this out

Personal DNA

| 05 September 2007

After Rachel found her personal DNA, I decided to do the same.